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Call for Abstracts

25th Anniversary 3 Rivers Wet Weather Sewer Conference
November 6-7, 2024
Monroeville Convention Center

Please complete the online Call for Abtracts form below or use the attached guidelines to submit a session abstract via email.  If you plan to submit more than one session online, please complete a separate form for each session.  If you have questions, email us at conference@3rww.org.  

Deadline: Wednesday, May 1, 2024.  Deadline extended to Friday, May 17, 2024. 

We are seeking sessions for an educational agenda covering a broad range of topics:

  • Case studies on effective I/I reduction and mitigation

  • Case studies on inter-municipal cooperation and Integrated watershed planning case studies

  • MS4 Pollutant Reduction Plan and Nine Minimum Control implementation and compliance

  • Case studies on regional approaches to solving wet weather issues and sewer overflows.

  • Successful private sewer lateral programs

  • Funding strategies for infrastructure projects

  • Stormwater fees/authorities – case studies

  • Pipe and manhole rehabilitation

  • Regionalization of sewer systems and defect repair

  • Sustainable O&M approaches 

  • Asset data management 

  • Cost-effectiveness and affordability analysis tools/models 

  • Public-private partnerships

  • GIS tools and techniques

  • Long-term wet weather planning, adaptive management 

  • Identifying and prioritizing locations for projects that reduce flow

  • Inter-municipal agreements for water management

Please provide a description of your proposed session in 400 words or less. Emphasize the educational elements of the presentation. (Sales-oriented presentations will not be considered.) Presentations must provide unbiased, valuable information about a technology, technique, case study, etc. Co-presentations and case studies with a municipal representative are encouraged. Most sessions are 30 minutes in length, which includes time for audience Q&A. Due to the session length, we request that proposals/presentations include no more than two speakers. Below, please provide three concise learning outcomes.
Please provide a short bio. (200 words or less)
Please provide a short bio. (200 words or less)
Please share the conference/seminar, date, and topic of other speaking engagements.
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